Follow in the Footsteps of Darren Jew

Tonga / Norway / Australia

Join world-renowned underwater and nature photographer Darren Jew, a multi-award-winning Canon Master for an unforgettable adventure and an experience of a lifetime.


Deep Sea


Jul-Oct / Nov




Standard Rate €6,915 / Save €1,037


6-14 November 2019
14-22 November 2019
22-30 November 2019

Embark on a journey of deep exploration through photography in the underwater world. An experience of a lifetime to swim with and photograph humpback whales and orcas in their natural realm.

Join world-renowned underwater and nature photographer Darren Jew on an unforgettable adventure to swim with the giants of the sea under expert guidance in the clear warm waters of Tonga in the South Pacific breeding grounds, or in the northern feeding grounds of Norway.

Darren Jew is a multi-award-winning Canon Master, featured on Netflix show of “Tales By Light” documenting his extraordinary craft as he captures powerful images and show us our world in a new light.

This is a special opportunity to learn about underwater photography from Darren and his team with personalised advice, helping you capture truly amazing stories and images of your encounters of these majestic creatures. Join a small group of like-minded travellers to witness some of the world’s great wildlife, landscapes and marine destinations.



This is an incredible winter expedition high above the Arctic Circle where you will swim with pods of orca (and feeding humpbacks) that follow the massive herring schools into the Norwegian fjords. Without a doubt, swimming with (and photographing) orcas underwater above the Arctic Circle in the winter is challenging. It’s a physical activity; you’re in cumbersome equipment; the days are short and cold; the weather can be extreme and; the light levels are very low. But the mountains, land and seascapes are spectacular, the light is truly mesmerising and the orcas are magical – the rewards for effort is immeasurable.

Swim with Orcas

Every year, millions of herring over-winter in the fjords of Norway, making the most of the seas warmed by the Gulf Stream. Families of orca feast on these massive schools and they’re joined by pods of non-breeding humpbacks that have stayed north rather then travelling to winter in the tropics. This spectacular seasonal concentration of marine life is just waiting to be experienced by you and your camera.

Your Days on the Water

We’re offering options for snorkelers who want in-water encounters as well as for those wanting to stay on the boat and topside watch only. Our Zodiacs will be out for around 3-4 hours per day, during Winter’s short daylight hours. Our floating basecamp the small ship Ostsee Star will also be a great platform from which to shoot topside images of the whale activity.

Your Arctic Days

Each day you’ll have time on the water with the whales, time to explore the area, process your images, maybe shoot some landscape if logistics permit, and shoot (or just relax) under the Northern Lights when conditions are right.

Northern Lights

The orca season matches the Northern Lights season too, so when conditions are right we’ll be able to capture this incredible spectacle. One of the planet’s must-see phenomenon, not to be missed.

Your Hosts

Darren and Jasmine will be once again joined by a great local team in Norway. Assisting Darren and Jasmine will be zodiac skipper Norbi, who has years of commercial experience in northern waters, and has been an orca watch skipper for 6 years. Your local guide Krisztina has studied orcas in Canada and has been working for 4 years as an orca swim guide. (that’s Norbi and Krisztina pictured looking for orca on the left)

Your Hosts

The herring find their way into the spectacular Norwegian fjords, with thousand-metre-high, snow-covered mountains rising all around.  When you’re not on the water we plan to explore the surrounds and capture the evening arctic scenery ’til your memory cards are full!

Our Vessel

Our vessel, MV Togo, will be your home away from home in the fjords, taking you right into the heart of orca territory and providing a flexible and comfortable floating base-camp from which to launch our zodiacs and explore the wonders of the Arctic.


We have included quality dry-suit and fin use in your tour price, so you’ll only need to bring mask, snorkel, undergarments, wetsuit hood & gloves. You’ll also be provided with an exposure suit for use on the boat.. For general living, if you’ve travelled to the ski fields or to the Arctic or Antarctica before, you will have all you need. A full gear list will be forwarded to you as the tour approaches.

The Experience

Sit back an enjoy this 10 minute film filmed during Phil Thurston’s one-week trip with us at the end of November 2018.



per person / 8 nights
Reduced from €6,915.00
Norway – Swim with Oracs
8 Days on the Water
Guided Whale Swims
Orca / Humpback Whales
Private Transfers
Comfortable Accommodation
Full Board
Experienced Whale Swim Crews
Image Processing Sessions
Quality Photography Advice
Expert Briefings
Informative Talks
Experience of a Lifetime
Please note international flights, entry visas, applicable departure tax & travel insurance are not included.
A percentage of every booking goes to our Foundation, supporting local communities, education projects and environmental issues with every trip you take.