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Impact Projects FAQ

With Satopia Travel's nature restoration initiative in partnership with The European Nature Trust, you're a steward of change. Our FAQ page is designed to provide you with clear, concise answers to the most common questions about the Nature Restoration project and impact.


Why The European Nature Trust?

Why the Scottish Highland?

What’s the connection between the trees and the salmon?

Salmon are part of complex freshwater ecosystems that connect land and sea. Without the cooling shade that trees provide on riverbanks, these hugely important river catchments are becoming too hot under climate change. Salmon are adapted to live in cool waters; above 23 degrees Celsius, they overheat, changing their behaviour and development. By planting trees on rivers, we can build shade to cool the waters – a scientifically proven approach – while supporting biodiversity, restoring the natural flow of the water, and sequestering carbon. Restoring riparian woodlands will also provide critical nursery grounds to shelter young salmon and improve their survival.

Why the River Kyle catchment?

Can I get my own Carbon Credit certificate for my donation?

What is my Carbon Footprint resulting from my travel?

What is the difference between the 3 nature restoration packages?

Can I visit the project and see the implementation of the work on the ground?

What is the primary aim of the Kyle Riverwoods Project, and how does it contribute to carbon sequestration and biodiversity?

Can I contribute €100 EUR to the project?