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“Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New…” Are Virtual Experiences a New Tradition?

Christmas is full of tradition. From the ancient Yule log to the modern National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.

By Kay Sexton, Contributor 

Human nature creates tradition and celebration to make experience meaningful.

It can be easy to forget that every tradition was a response to current conditions, and that what we do this year will become traditional by the end of the decade. 

We all know that this Christmas will be like no other we’ve lived through, and at Satopia we see this as a chance to create something new, something amazing. 

Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the poem “Ring Out Wild Bells” and it continues prophetically with “Ring out old shapes of foul disease” and we’re creating shared experiences that bring people together, and enshrine new traditions, not despite COVID-19, nor because of it, but because, as Tennyson states “This year is going, let him go. Ring out the false, ring in the true.”

Image credit: Erin Mckenna

True experience isn’t bound by place or time. It’s shaped by shared human emotion, and by the capacity to learn and wonder, to laugh and enjoy. That’s why our virtual Christmas experiences are designed to bring people together, uniting teams, reminding organisations of common themes and helping leaders express what matters – the things that connect us. It’s been a difficult year for many companies, and their teams have been under pressure in unimaginable ways, so finding the linkages that will take them into 2021 with confidence, grace and humour is vital.

It’s important that organised events strike the right note. There has to be a heartfelt understanding of what we’ve lived through, as well as some joyful appreciation of what lies ahead. Trivial responses aren’t good enough – tired and stressed employees want to be acknowledged and lifted out of themselves. Many of us have felt our lives narrow in 2020 and would love the chance to be part of something expansive and thrilling, but how do we achieve that when the winter still imposes restrictions on movements and gatherings? 

“This year is going, let him go. Ring out the false, ring in the true.”

Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron TennysonBritish Poet

Satopia has selected the kind of virtual experience that delivers joy, creates optimism and encourages closeness. From top comics to world class chefs and spiritual leaders, there is something to make every team feel valued, and every individual feel inspired.

New traditions arise from novel circumstances. We believe ours, the new traditions will continue for decades to come. 

For us, Tennyson predicted it again, “Ring out the want, the care, the sin, the faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes, but ring the fuller minstrel in.” It’s been a cold year for many of us, at least when it comes to human connection, and it’s been pretty mournful too, but Satopia proposes to ring in a full, fun and interconnected Christmas tradition – a virtual experience that your company will treasure.

To find out more about the Christmas Virtual Experiences from Satopia, check the link here.

Satopia is a global community of inspirational people empowering humanity with passion and purpose. 



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